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The Best 3 Wheel Strollers

Having a great stroller makes it easier to get out of the house with your baby or toddler, and 3 wheel strollers have some nice advantages over the traditional four wheels. I’ve compiled a list of the best 3 wheel strollers so you can choose from the many options available.

Three wheel strollers offer easier turns and are better at riding over rough terrain than 4 wheel strollers. That’s why many 3 wheel strollers are great for jogging and hiking. Whether you are looking for a single stroller, a double stroller, or a travel system, we have you covered.

Best Overall 3-Wheel Stroller:
Best 3-Wheel Jogger Travel System:

Best 3 Wheel Jogging Strollers

The BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0, the Chicco Activ3 Air, the Thule Urban Glide 2, and the Jeep Classic are Amazon Choice strollers, which means they are highly rated, well priced for the quality, and able to ship soon.  However, the Jeep Hydro Sport Plus and the Joovy Zoom are well rated by customers, but they are not Amazon Choice products.  

BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Jogging Stroller

The BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Jogging Stroller is a stroller with many attractive features.

It has air-filled tires and a suspension system to help create a smooth ride over uneven terrain. The handlebar is adjustable so it’s easy for different caregivers to push it comfortably. There is also a cell phone pocket on the handlebar.

The front wheel can swivel all the way around or be locked for jogging use. There is also a tether strap for your wrist to keep the stroller from pulling away from you while jogging. There are six small cargo pockets plus the basket underneath your child to hold your gear or theirs.

To help keep your child comfortable, there is a UPF 50 sunshade that is water-resistant and there is also a magnetic closing window on top to allow you to see your child as you push. A 5-point harness can be adjusted without rethreading the straps, which makes it easy to change as your child grows. The seat is nicely padded. It can lay almost flat or fully upright. The weight limit is 75 pounds, which means it could still hold my 8-year-old if he could cram himself into the seat!

The stroller itself weighs 28.5 pounds. It can be folded down, though it can be a bit tricky to do so.

A drawback to this stroller is that it doesn’t come with cupholders for you or your child, and there is no snack tray. These can be bought separately, but it is nice when they are included.

If you are looking for a travel system, this stroller can be bought as part of one: BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Jogging Stroller B-Safe 35 Infant Car Seat.

If you already have a car seat you want to use with the stroller, adapters can be purchased to attach it safely to the BOB Gear strollers:

The manufacturer warns that you should not jog or go over uneven terrain if you are using this stroller with a car seat attached. It is only to be used for walking on even ground with the car seat attachment (like on the sidewalk or through a store). You will need to wait until you can put your baby safely in the main seat for runs or off-road use.

This stroller is also one of our favorite strollers to take to Disney.

Best features:

  • adjustable handlebar
  • suspension system
  • high weight limit


  • no cupholders or tray
  • shouldn’t go over uneven terrain with car seat

Jeep Deluxe Patriot Open Trails Jogger 

Jeep Deluxe Patriot Open Trails Jogging Stroller by Delta Children, Charcoal Tracks

The Jeep Deluxe Patriot Open Trails Jogger is a model that comes with parent cupholders and a child snack tray, which are convenient features. Another nice feature of this Jeep model is that there is a strap attached to the handlebar that you can wear on your wrist so the stroller doesn’t get away from you while jogging.

It has air-filled tires and a locking front wheel for smooth jogging.

There is a nice storage bin underneath the seat and a spot for your cell phone between the cupholders. There aren’t any extra pockets, but I think that the cupholders are more important than storage beyond the bin.

A nice UPF 50 sunshade is part of the design, though it is shorter than some other strollers. Plus there is an adjustable reclining seat. You can secure your child in the 5-point harness. It comes in a few different colors as well.

The stroller weighs just under 27 pounds, but the weight limit for your child is 50 pounds. That still should work for many kids up until they are 5 or 6. It also folds up for storing or for traveling in the car with you.

Another plus for this stroller is that it is compatible with several infant car seat brands without buying an adapter. It works with the Graco SnugRide Click Connect 30, 35, 40; and Evenflo’s Nurture and Embrace. There are adapters you can purchase if you have Britax B-Safe 35 or Chicco KeyFit 30 seats.

The downside of this stroller is that the handlebar is not adjustable, so it may not be a good fit for everyone. Also, some people have found it doesn’t perform well during jogging. The fabric and harness do not hold up well either.

I would recommend this stroller for those who will not use it primarily for jogging. If you want a stroller with good wheels to ride over uneven terrain (or just sidewalk cracks), I think this will work very well for you. It has some really nice features compared to some of the more expensive models, like cupholders, a tray, and the built-in car seat system.

If you plan to take it out for a run often, you may be better off with a different model.

Best features:

  • cupholders and tray
  • tether strap for your wrist
  • compatible with several car seats


  • materials may not hold up
  • not best for jogging

Chicco Activ3 Air Jogging Stroller

Chicco Activ3 Jogging Stroller - Eclipse | Grey

The Chicco Activ3 Air Jogging Stroller is a full size option for a 3 wheel stroller at 127.5 pounds. It is also easier to fold than some other models. You get three configurations of folding to meet your needs and you can fold it down with just one hand and enjoy quick-release wheels!

This stroller has solid wheels, so you don’t have to worry about them going flat. The wheels are fairly small though, so they may not handle uneven terrain as well as a stroller with bigger back tires. The front-wheel does lock for jogging. There is a foot brake in the back of the stroller so you can park it and the frame of the stroller is steel.

Your child will have a snack tray (though it is detachable), parents get a storage tray too. There is a storage bin under the seat.

You can adjust the recline of the seat and it has a 5-point harness as well. There is also a sunshade with a viewing and ventilation window. The fabric is water-resistant and easy to wipe clean.

Even the weight limit on the stroller is nice as it can hold children up to 50 pounds. However, it’s best to use this stroller for children six months or older. You can use it with a Chicco car seat though!

I would recommend this stroller to people who may be putting it in their car often. The multiple folds and ease of folding make it a good choice if you’re frequently packing up. Check out our recommendations for the best lightweight jogging strollers here.

We have no completes about this stroller unless you are wanting a lightweight stroller. Otherwise, it does everything and even offers 3D Airmesh to keep babies and toddlers cool and comfy. 

Best features:

  • Full-size
  • easy to fold
  • wheels can’t go flat
  • higher weight limit at 50 pounds


  • Sells out quickly and is often out of stock

Thule Urban Glide 2 Jogging Stroller

The Thule Urban Glide 2 is packed with nice features for runners. It features a twist hand brake to quickly slow or stop the stroller. The handlebar height is adjustable from 35.5 to 44 inches tall.

It weighs about 25 pounds, which is not too bad compared to many other jogging strollers. Your child can ride until they weigh 75 pounds, which is a high maximum weight, though some parents find the seat isn’t deep enough for bigger children

The front tire is 12 inches and it can swivel or lock. The back tires are 16 inches. The Urban Glide also has a suspension system to help make the ride very smooth.

You can adjust the recline of the seat, but at its most upright, it isn’t straight up and down. Some children don’t like having to recline at all, so consider what your older children may like. There is a ventilated canopy with a peekaboo window so you can see your child.

Parents like the height and width of the stroller, but some find the length (41 inches) makes it a bit difficult to steer through tighter spaces or crowds. It does fold down for storage, but the locking clip to keep it folded has a tendency to break.

Something different about this stroller’s storage bin underneath the seat is that it has a zipper closure. This is a nice feature to keep things from falling out of the bin or to protect them a bit from rain or other elements. Although, it will probably limit the number of things you can put in compared to other strollers with open bins. Also, it does not come with any cupholders or child tray, and the other pockets are in your child’s reach. So all of your belongings would probably need to fit in the zippered bin unless you buy the separate organizer: Thule Stroller Organizer.

The Urban Glide 2 does not come with a car seat adapter, but you can buy one separately for non-jogging use: Thule Infant Car Seat Adapter. There are a few different versions for different brands.

If you are going to be jogging frequently, this stroller has a lot of features that will be great for you. Unfortunately, it is missing some of the things that would make it a great everyday stroller, too.

Best features:

  • hand brake
  • adjustable handlebar


  • no cupholders or tray included
  • seat size and recline may not be great for bigger kids

Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller

Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller by Delta Children, Grey

The Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller is compatible with a few car seats to make your own travel system; the Graco SnugRide Click Connect and Evenflo Nurture and Embrace infant seats attach to the stroller without any additional equipment. There is an adapter available for Britax B Safe 35 seats: Adapter for Britax B-Safe 35 Car Seats. The manual warns not to jog with a child younger than 6 months in this stroller.

This Jeep Classic stroller has a 12-inch front wheel that locks or swivels and the back wheels are 16 inches. All three tires are air-filled. Some people have had trouble attaching a bike pump to the front tire’s valve with the arrangement of the spokes. The frame and shocks are supposed to help absorb bumps for a smoother ride. It has a tether strap to attach to your wrist when jogging.

It comes with a child tray and parent cupholders but the cupholders are plastic cages attached to the handlebar. They don’t look as sturdy as some other strollers that have an organizer with cupholders across the whole handlebar. They are also rather small, so you can probably only fit a 16 oz water bottle or skinny can in them. In addition, there isn’t a place in the handlebar area to put your phone or keys. There is a storage bin underneath the seat.

This stroller has a UPF 50 sunshade that also protects kiddos from the rain and snow. It is smaller than some sunshades so it may not offer full protection. Also, there isn’t a peekaboo window in the shade.

You can adjust the recline of the seat. The maximum weight limit is 50 pounds and the maximum age for riders is 5 years. You can also fold this stroller up, but it takes two hands. It can be hard to lift it into the back of your car at 29 pounds and 23″ x 35″ x 15″ folded.

I think the Jeep Deluxe Patriot Jogging Stroller would be a better choice than this Jeep Classic. It has better cupholders and storage with other great features.

Best features:

  • tether strap for jogging
  • fits a few car seats without adapter


  • skinny cupholders
  • not much storage

Joovy Zoom X2 Double Jogging Stroller

Joovy Zoom X2 Lightweight Performance Double Jogging Stroller Featuring Extra-Large Pneumatic Tires with Air Pump Included, Locking and Swiveling Front Tire, and Easy One-Handed Fold, Glacier

If you have two children and need to stroll with both, you might like the Joovy Zoom X2 Double Jogging Stroller.

Despite being a double stroller, this model weighs 28 pounds, which is similar to some single 3 wheel strollers, like the BOB above. It folds down but is still fairly large when folded. It has air-filled tires, and the front tire can swivel or be locked. A nice feature is that it comes with a bike pump that attaches to the storage basket, so it’s easy to give tires a bit more air when you are out and about. It maneuvers very easily, which is a definite plus.

Under the seats, there is a roomy storage bin. If you put too much in it, though, it presses on the brake. There is a flexible, neoprene-like parent organizer that attaches to the handlebars to give you cupholders and some storage space. But when it is on, you may lose your view of the children in the stroller, as there is no window in the sunshade. The sunshades are independent, so you could have them arranged differently for each child, which I think is nice. Our double stroller had one big shade.

Some downsides to this stroller are that you can’t add car seat adapters to put infant seats in it and there are no child trays or cupholders. Some parents had their strollers arrive with tires that were flat, but customer service has been willing to help. There is a brake, but it has failed some users after a few uses, so be aware of that and keep an eye on it.

The Zoom X2 is available in a few different colors as well.

I would recommend this stroller to parents of two kids older than the infant stage. It is not terribly heavy as a double stroller and it features good storage and maneuverability.

For more stroller options for two kids, check out our favorite double jogging strollers.

Best features:

  • under 30 pounds
  • included bike pump stores on stroller


  • can’t be used with car seats
  • no tray or cupholders for child

Best 3-Wheel Stroller Travel Systems

The Graco FastAction Fold Jogger Travel System is an Amazon Choice pick, and it includes the stroller, the infant car seat, and a base for your car with a quick folding system.  The Baby Trend Cityscape Jogger Stroller is slightly less expensive than our Graco choice, but it is only the stroller.  It can be made into a travel system with a separately purchased Baby Trend infant seat.  

Graco FastAction Fold Jogger Travel System

Graco FastAction Fold Jogger Travel System | Includes the FastAction Fold Jogging Stroller and SnugRide 35 Infant Car Seat, Gotham

The Graco FastAction Fold Jogger Travel System includes a stroller with a unique and easy fold mechanism. With one hand, you pull a loop in the seat, and the stroller folds, which is a great feature for moms. 

Along with the stroller, you get a Graco SnugRide 35 infant car seat and a base for your car. It is a rear-facing seat for babies 4-35 pounds and up to 32 inches long. When you want to put it on the stroller, it is a one-step process that gives you an audible sound to know it is clicked in. But when the car seat is being used, you are not supposed to jog with the stroller. The manual warns against it.

On the stroller, the tires are air-filled. The front wheel can swivel or lock. The maximum weight for the stroller is 50 pounds. The removable seat cushion can go through the wash on the delicate cycle and be line dried. You can change the recline of the seat as well.

There are parent cupholders and a child snack tray included. There is also a storage bin under the seat. The sunshade is a good size and offers ventilation as well.

If you are interested in the stroller, but don’t need the car seat, it is available as a standalone item: Graco FastAction Fold Jogger Stroller.

For more travel system ideas, we also have a list of our favorite jogging stroller travel systems.

Best features:

  • comes with compatible car seat
  • quick and easy folding mechanism
  • washable seat


  • can’t jog with car seat attached

Graco Relay Jogging Stroller Travel System

The Graco Relay Jogging Stroller Travel System is similar to the previous Graco travel system but it has a premium suspension to give an even smoother ride. It comes with a Snug Ride 35 car seat and base, but the manual warns you not to jog with the car seat attached to the stroller. Tires are air-filled, and the front wheel can swivel or lock.

The Relay stroller has the same FastAction fold that allows you to simply pull a loop on the seat to easily fold the stroller. Some of the strollers have a tendency to fold when you don’t want them to, so make sure you have it securely unfolded and locked before setting off anywhere.

It has a storage bin underneath the seat and some storage pockets behind the seat, so you can have a water bottle and your phone in easy reach. There aren’t regular cupholders though. There isn’t a snack tray either, just a bar in front of the child seat.

The maximum weight for the stroller seat is 50 pounds. The car seat’s weight limit is 35 pounds.

While this stroller folds pretty easily, it is still pretty big when folded up. It might not fit in the trunk of a regular car. It is also fairly heavy, so I would not recommend this one if you plan to fold it up and put it in the car regularly. But if you have space to store it opened, I think this stroller would work well. Just check that it is secured in the unfolded position before you put your child in.

Best features:

  • suspension system
  • quick folding mechanism


  • no child tray
  • big when folded

Baby Trend Cityscape Jogger Travel System

Baby Trend Cityscape Jogger Stroller, Jolt Red

The Baby Trend Cityscape Jogger Travel System comes with a Baby Trend 30 lb. infant car seat that clicks right into the stroller. The stroller seat has a maximum weight of 50 pounds. The manual recommends not jogging with a baby younger than 6 months.

Featuring air-filled wheels, this stroller features a 12-inch front tire that can swivel or lock. The back wheels are 16 inches. You can fold the stroller up to fit better into a vehicle or take up less space in your garage.

It does have two-parent cupholders and two in the child snack tray as well. There is also a storage bin under the seat. The sunshade does have a window for keeping an eye on your child. You can change the angle of recline of the stroller seat. There are several colors to choose from.

While many parents like the stroller, the car seat tends to not be a good fit for most newborns. In addition, it can be hard to move the car seat from the base to the stroller and back. If you have an older baby, it might work for you, but if you are looking for a travel system that will work from Day 1 of your baby’s life, I would skip this one.

Best features:

  • lots of cupholders
  • car seat included


  • car seat not great for newborns
  • can be hard to remove car seat

Compare these 3-Wheel Strollers

The table below compares only the recommended products on this page. A low or high Price means it is low or high compared to the other products listed. The Popularity Score reflects how often readers click on and buy the product. The Quality Score is our assessment of the overall performance and satisfaction with the product compared to others in the table.

Buying Criteria for 3 Wheel Strollers 

Travel system comes with a car seat

It’s very convenient to purchase a stroller and car seat that work together so that moving your small baby from the car to the stroller (and vice versa) is easier. That’s where travel systems come in. You can get a stroller and infant car seat that you know are compatible.

However, it is important to do good research on car seats. They are one of the most important things you can choose for your baby. If the seat you can get in a travel system doesn’t fit newborns well or doesn’t have the features you really want in a car seat, consider buying the car seat separately. Many 3 wheel strollers that don’t come with car seats do have adapters available to add your own car seat in.

Also keep in mind that your baby won’t fit in their infant car seat forever, so consider other features when choosing a stroller as well. One that will hold up through the toddler years might be a better fit.

Jogging features

Many 3 wheel strollers are also advertised as jogging strollers. The features that help make a stroller better for jogging are the larger wheels, the ability to handle uneven terrain, and the locking front wheel to avoid unintentional turns at fast speeds.

If you will be using the strollers for runs frequently, you might also want to look for strollers with good brakes and a tether to keep the stroller from rolling away from you.


When you are on the go with a young child, it is important to have the space to bring everything you may need (diapers? snacks? spare clothes?). Most strollers have a storage bin underneath the seat, but consider if having some storage at the handlebars is also important to you. Not every stroller features cupholders or a snack tray, so think about how important those features are for your family.

FAQs about 3 Wheel Strollers

Is every 3 wheel stroller a jogging stroller?

No. Some 3 wheel strollers are set up to be jogging strollers and it is usually obvious because the front and back tires are much larger and sturdier than normal strollers. There are some other key features of the wheels that make a stroller good for jogging.

If you plan to go jogging with your baby or toddler in the stroller, make sure the front wheel can be locked. This is an important safety feature for jogging. It will probably also be best to choose a stroller with air-filled and larger tires (especially in the back) to give a smoother ride.

There are also some 4 wheel strollers designed to be jogging strollers, so keep that in mind, especially when looking at double strollers.

What makes a 3 wheel stroller different from a 4 wheel stroller?

Because a 3 wheel stroller has a smaller and more maneuverable front wheel, it is easier to turn and can handle more rough terrain. The bigger wheels in the back offer stability. You may be able to steer a 3 wheel stroller with one hand which can be very useful as a mom! 

When using a 3 wheel stroller to jog, though, you need to be able to lock the front wheel to prevent the stroller from going off track while you are moving quickly. 

Four wheel strollers have more stability, especially when the seat is higher up. They are generally lighter and fold flatter than 3 wheel models. For the best of both worlds, you may look for a 4 wheel stroller whose front wheels are close together. 

What are the differences between solid tires and air-filled tires?

You will see that some 3 wheel strollers have solid wheels and some have rubber, air-filled tires like bikes.

The solid wheels can be harder to push and result in a bumpier ride, but they never go flat. The air-filled tires are more forgiving over bumps, but they can be punctured and can slowly lose air.

What’s best for your family will depend on where you plan to use the stroller. If you get one with air-filled tires, keep a bike pump, spare inner tubes, and tire levers handy so you are prepared if a wheel needs a bit more air or a new tube.

How do I fix a flat stroller tire?

Fixing a flat stroller tire is the same process as fixing a flat bike tire. There is the outer rubber tire and then an inflated tube inside of the tire. Often, the problem is with the inner tube and not the rubber tire itself.

Sometimes a flat tire just needs some more air. Try adding some more air using a bike pump or other manual air pump. Don’t use a compressor or other powered air pump. That could easily overinflate and explode the tire.

If the tire won’t inflate or hold air, you will need to repair or replace the inner tube inside the tire. First, use bicycle tire levers to remove the tire from the rim.

Then, take the old tube out from inside the tire. Check if the tire itself has any punctures or objects stuck in it. If there is a big hole or worn tread, you may need a new tire. If not, a new tube may be needed. Inflate the new inner tube just enough for it to hold its shape.

Mount the tire back onto one side of the rim of the wheel. Beginning with the valve, insert the tube into the tire. Push the other side of the tire back onto the rim. Check that the inner tube is not stuck between the tire and the rim anywhere. Then use your air pump to inflate the tube to the necessary pressure.

Can I use a jogging stroller for walks?

Absolutely! There really is no reason to have a jogging stroller and a regular stroller. When you aren’t jogging, just unlock the front wheel to give you more maneuverability for walks.

When our second child was born, we got a double jogging stroller that we used for walks around the neighborhood. We never went jogging with it! But the big, air-filled wheels were so much easier to push than the 4 wheel “regular” stroller we had used for our oldest.


Megan Ryan    

Megan Ryan is a stay-at-home mom to three kids in elementary school. She is also freelance editor who enjoys editing novels and Christian books. She still has a lot to learn about being a mom, but she's happy to share the lessons she's already learned.

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